Official Recognition: In re: Nollmeyer

Official Recognition:
In re: Nollmeyer In Re: David Nollmeyer 

David Nollmeyer is currently seeking legal recognition by the United States, United Nations, and other non-governmental agencies as Amnesty International to officially acknowledge de-facto human rights abuses in re: Nollmeyer which have had an in-continuo status over the last 16 years. Mr. Nollmeyer has pleaded pro se a system of over 26 civil law suits in the United States Federal Courts. 

Civil pleadings are not designed to replace the owed guarantees of citizens that should be undertaken by prosecutors of the state as criminal proceedings against the belligerents. The conditions include polluted air and food by agents of the law enforcement that have despoiled areas in over 44 states. Electronic surveillance on Mr. Nollmeyer has been 100% continually for the past 16 years. Mr. Nollmeyer considers the Presidencies of Ronald Reagan , George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, and George Bush III to be fictious. Cambridge Law School has been identified as having authored the paradigm and arranged the defection model that yields the culture of impunity. The LAPD, Baltimore PD, Delaware State Police, and unnamed agents the Baltimore Studio are the principle movers in the USA. 

Pro bono aid as well as pressure applied to public officials as the British Prime Minister Blair, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the United States President and public officials is desired. Simple emails to these officials will suffice although calls and written letters that are signed are the most effective. Currently Misc. 99-100 and Misc. 99-101, United States District for California, Nollmeyer v. Bernard Parks LAPD, Bill Lockyer CA Attorney have aided in the resignation of Chief Parks. Superintendent Gerald Pepper of the Delaware State Police has also been forced from his post. New Superintendent Aaron Chaffinch has lost suits brought by fellow officers in 2003. This is highly unusual in the United States especially in light of the 9-11 incident. 

Once a person has entered into this association, he is forced to be free. 

Jean Jacque Rousseau 

David Nollmeyer 



  1. I am resurrecting the old Legacy Blog here as Google has blocked me out of my own sites.


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