Alert: Liberian Warlord Runs for Senate


Liberian Warlord Yormi Johnson is a Senate candidate in upcoming Liberian elections. How is it possible that Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic are being held under trial and Yormi Johnson and Charles Taylor are free?

The WAR ON TERROR is appearing more as the war against the United States and United Kingdom. The G-8 and weapons suppliers have to take their end of Universal Justce more seriously to help gain support and respect for their interests.

Here is part of the AOL-CNN reporting:

GANTA, Liberia (Reuters) -- A rebel leader who drank beer while his men hacked up the president and an infamous warlord called "Gen. Peanut Butter" are hoping to bury their pasts and be elected senators in Liberia's first post-war polls.

Tuesday's presidential and parliamentary elections were intended to draw a line under a 14-year civil war which ended two years ago after killing a quarter of a million people and uprooting almost a third of the population.

Some of the war's most notorious killers now want to reinvent themselves as elected politicians through the polls, whose votes were still being counted on Thursday.

Former rebel leader Prince Yormi Johnson watched while his men cut off the ears of President Samuel Doe in 1990 and then tortured him as television cameras rolled.


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