Pathological Liars

A study by USC researchers Adrian Raine and Yaling Lang has provided structural support for the diagnostics of persons considered pathological liars. Earlier work emphasized the prefrontal cortex in ordinary liars. 

Liars had a 25.7 percent increase in prefrontal white matter compared to the antisocial controls and a 22 percent increase compared to the normal controls. Liars had a 14.2 percent decrease in prefrontal gray matter compared to normal controls (Sutliff 2005).

In addition to any structural component the social dimensions or triggers that differentiate a purely nativistic and deterministic antecedent need to be considered. Saddam Hussein has often been accused of manifesting himself as a pathological liar to justify his behavior.

 “It’s almost mind reading. You have to be able to understand the mindset of the other person. You also have to suppress your emotions or regulate them because you don’t want to appear nervous. There’s quite a lot to do there. You’ve got to suppress the truth. “Our argument is that the more networking there is in the prefrontal cortex, the more the person has an upper hand in lying. Their verbal skills are higher. They’ve almost got a natural advantage” (Raine 2005). 

“Pathological liars have a surplus of white matter, the study found, and a deficit of gray matter. That means they have more tools to lie coupled with fewer moral restraints than normal people.” They’ve got the equipment to lie, and they don’t have the disinhibition that the rest of us have in telling the big whoppers,” Raine stated. “When people make moral decisions, they are relying on the prefrontal cortex. When people ask normal people to make moral decisions, we see activation in the front of the brain,” he explained. “If these liars have a 14 percent reduction in gray matter, that means that they are less likely to care about moral issues or are less likely to be able to process moral issues. Having more gray matter would keep a check on these activities (Raine 2005). 

Raine has contributed extensively to abnormal psychology especially in psychopathy. Pathological liars tend to believe their fabrications. Their projections may stem from a lack of self-esteem. This abnormality is one of the prime traits of the antisocial personality.



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