Dehumanization and Sanitization

My personal human rights event is approaching my 44th birthday which will be Wednesday. Censorship begins with a coverup of incompetence. Here this event is entering 19 years. The arc of lifespan and of most recent tyrannies is nearly twenty years. 

What is interesting is that one of the factors that will affect the outcome is the physical and biological health of the perpetrators. LAPD and the Baltimore Studio average over 240 pounds. 

I have maintained a weight of no more than about 158 lbs. Here in Del Norte County CA we are in a corner of a tryad and triangle configuration that is no more than artist tyranny that has some application in comparative statistical analization. The other point would be Pueblo NM home of the oldest known remains of permanent settlement and Kent County DE. Of importance in all locations are any learning institutions. Here we are concerned with policy design and sustainable culture and policy. 

I have had a stellar last 63 credits of college with a GPA of slightly over 3.8 in this time period. I am the only person that I know of that directly and formally have addressed this issue. Here we confront the character and contribution of bogus localism, professorships, students, and other hooligans with the police. NO LOCATION IS SUPERIOR.

Of bogus consideration is counting sheets, which are sexual encounters. This is with LAPD and is generally a sign of incompetence. This information is bogus. Persons should be terminated who work for the state who believe this is a merit based consideration. I am writing Homeland Security Directors weekly. 

If any state employee thinks their background or ideas are credible give me your name and educational level and I will make sure that either your or me will get credited or discredited. 

 What is also interesting is that Del Norte has been picked for the imposition of localism. I am spiritual and cannot treat anyone different based on where one might be living. This is also why I am choosing eblogger to propagate this event in degree. The local newspapers here are Triplicate - Crescent City CA Times - Standard - Eureka CA I do not see why anyone should not expose this fraud and censorship.



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