Crescent City Calfornia

I am writing from College of the Redwoods in Crescent City, Del Norte California. I am becoming increasingly confident that the cultural members in the zeitgeist are static and fatalistic in the leadership and comprehension of what is occurring. The spraying of the air is facilitated by placing chemicals in common auto engine gas tanks and driving around. This activity has at least one origin from Heinrich Himmler who use a similar tactic to develop the gas chambers in WWII concentration camps. 

As long as this event is occurring there is a profundity of illegal electronic surveillance. Two prominent other objects are used to help promulgate a system of torture. They are sexual identity and contraband. There is no excuse for the alienation of rights of the individual. In degree sexual orientation as homosexuality is used to perpetuate this event. The members of LAPD and Baltimore Studio are Homosexual or Bisexual. The LAPD are postulating that I will insulate a member of the Baltimore Studio whose name is Jim. This is absurd. The population here is a retreatist enclave and relying on bogus hearsay quality propaganda which will destroy what credibility remains. 

The use of medicinal marijuana was confirmed to be under United States Federal Jurisdiction yesterday and such users are liable to be prosecuted in the federal courts. It is interesting to note that the Netherlands has chosen a progressive tact on these issues. As seen they do not recognize that this event is even occurring. 

I am stating that I am confident in a latent sense in that I have the ability to and training to point out that these events are hostaging a victim, myself in a racketeering corrupt organization. There is an entire academic world that is not basing its resources on real history or sound concepts. LAPD or no mover at all have any legitimacy to grant any impunity to grow or deal drugs. In Humboldt County south of this area a serious crime wave and syndrome of social disorder has taken place. Humboldt State is the closest research level institution exposed to this event.



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